Our incredible journey with Xeact

Published on , 531 words, 2 minutes to read

A picture showing the Techaro plus the Xeact logo
A picture showing the Techaro plus the Xeact logo

Xeact is joining Techaro!

We are excited to announce that Xeact is joining Techaro. Techaro is an industry leader in computing services and they are a great fit for Xeact because they share our values and commitment to innovation and customer success. This acquisition will allow us to use Techaro resources in order to make Xeact the best possible femtoframework for accelerated microservice development.

Xeact will be shutting down in preparation for even bigger and better things. The idea and spirit will live on in Techaro and we are excited to see what the future holds. We are grateful to all of our customers and supporters who have helped us along the way.

We'd like to thank everybody who's used Xeact. If you've came on board during our beta and during the process of understanding everything to do with the framework, we thank you for your patience and your feedback. We've learned a lot from you and we hope you've learned a lot from us.

We seriously hope that this change will be for the better, and that everyone will look back on this as a small road bump in the grand scheme of things. Change is difficult for everyone, but when we chose Techaro to acquire Xeact we made sure that they would have the best interests in mind of the Xeact community. We hope this will be as smooth as butter.

Thank you for following us through our incredible journey through Xeact. We hope you'll join us for the next one.

What does this mean for Xeact?

Xeact will be shutting down on the 29th October, 2023. We will be providing support for existing customers until then. We will also be providing a migration path for customers who wish to move to Techaro's solution when it becomes available.

What should I use instead?

For now, we recommend using Preact. It's a great framework that has a lot of the same features as Xeact. It's also open source and has a great community behind it.

For those that wish to use Techaro's improved version of Xeact when it is ready, there will be an easy migration path in the future. We will be providing more details on this in the coming months.

What about my data?

Your data is safe and secure. Trust us, bro.

We want to assure you that we're here to partner with you through this transition. If you have any questions, please reach out to us via email. We're here to help.

This is a satirical post, however we are actually stopping development on Xeact. Use Preact instead.

An image of a green haired anime woman standing in front of a mountain range wearing a kimono hoodie

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

Tags: xeact, retirement, preact, satire