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Xecast Episode 2: Conferences, homelabs, and AI

Published on , 527 words, 2 minutes to read

Xe Iaso shares their DevOpsDays MSP experience, home studio upgrades, and AI musings.

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Also catch Xecast on YouTube (I'll make a proper podcast feed soon, trying to de-scope so I can actually get things done).

Mimi is happy

These show notes were generated using Google Gemini 1.5 Pro. Should this podcast take off, we'll find a better way to do this.

In this episode, Xe shares their experience speaking at DevOpsDays MSP, updates on their home studio and lab, and dives deep into their unique note-taking strategy. They discuss their viral "Praise My GitHub Profile" project, the excitement of enabling GPUs in Talos Linux for their home lab, and the ethical dilemmas surrounding AI advancements, particularly in photorealistic image generation.

Show Notes

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.
