[RETRACTED] "No way to prevent this" say users of only language where this regularly happens

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An image of A forlorn business man resting his head on a brown wall next to a window.
A forlorn business man resting his head on a brown wall next to a window. - Photo by Andrea Piacquadio, source: Pexels

We would like to extend our sincerest apologies for mistakenly categorizing CVE-2024-32004 as a memory safety vulnerability. This incorrect assumption has caused unnecessary concern and anxiety among our stakeholders, and for that, we are truly sorry.

In reality, the vulnerability in question was a logic error within Git, rather than a memory safety issue. We understand that this distinction is crucial, as it impacts the severity of the vulnerability and the necessary mitigation steps. Unfortunately, our initial assessment was inaccurate, and we fell short of providing the level of clarity and precision that you expect from us.

We are taking immediate action to rectify this mistake and prevent similar errors from occurring in the future. We are implementing additional checks and validation processes to ensure that our vulnerability assessments are accurate and reliable. This includes augmenting our team with subject matter experts, enhancing our testing procedures, and incorporating machine learning algorithms to detect potential issues more effectively.

We want to assure you that we are committed to regaining your trust by consistently delivering high-quality services. We recognize the importance of transparency and communication in maintaining a strong relationship with our stakeholders. Going forward, we will strive to provide accurate and timely information about vulnerabilities, ensuring that our assessments align with industry standards and best practices.

Once again, we apologize for any inconvenience or concern caused by our initial mistake. We are dedicated to continuous improvement and learning from this experience to become an even more reliable and trustworthy partner in the security community.

In the hours following the release of CVE-2024-32004 for the project Git, site reliability workers and systems administrators scrambled to desperately rebuild and patch all their systems to fix a vulnerability that allows for cloning a maliciously crafted Git repository to execute arbitrary code as the user doing the clone. This is due to the affected components being written in C, the only programming language where these vulnerabilities regularly happen. "This was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these things just happen and there's nothing anyone can do to stop them," said programmer Mr. Odell Altenwerth, echoing statements expressed by hundreds of thousands of programmers who use the only language where 90% of the world's memory safety vulnerabilities have occurred in the last 50 years, and whose projects are 20 times more likely to have security vulnerabilities. "It's a shame, but what can we do? There really isn't anything we can do to prevent memory safety vulnerabilities from happening if the programmer doesn't want to write their code in a robust manner." At press time, users of the only programming language in the world where these vulnerabilities regularly happen once or twice per quarter for the last eight years were referring to themselves and their situation as "helpless."

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.
