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I'm speaking at DevRelCon!

Published on , 269 words, 1 minutes to read

Come to NYC if you want to hear me talk about developer relations.

An image of A graphic describing Xe's talk at DevRelCon in NYC about guerilla event planning
A graphic describing Xe's talk at DevRelCon in NYC about guerilla event planning - graphic credit: DevRelCon

I'm excited to announce that I'll be speaking at DevRelCon in New York City this year! I'll be talking about guerilla event planning on the side of larger conferences. If you're in the area, I'd love to see you there! You can save $50 by using my coupon code when you register.

I plan to get a recording of my talk and post it on my talks page after the event. If you can't make it, you can still catch the content later!

Hope to see you there!


When you’re going out in force at a bigger event for developer relations stuff, you tend to want to have a booth. A booth allows people to have a place to come and bother you, and it also gives your employees a place to stash stuff at a conference. Booths have very low conversion rates, but at the same time, they are the main way that the conference makes money.

Today we’re going to tell you our secret to how to get more conversions from less effort: sponsor the conference but decline the booth, create a private event, hand out swag people will actually use, and go where the people are. It’s infinitely more effective and saves infinitely more sea turtles from suffocating to death due to your cheap plastic swag clogging their airways.

Why chain yourself to a booth when you don’t have to? You can staff an event with just a couple people without the booth looking sad and empty. A sad booth is so much worse than no booth.

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

Tags: devrel, speaking