Supercronching videos for embedding in websites with ffmpeg

Published on , 702 words, 3 minutes to read

TL;DR: I convert it from video to gif to video

An image of A close-up of orange tulips in a field, the tulip in the center is in focus and the rest are slightly out of focus.
A close-up of orange tulips in a field, the tulip in the center is in focus and the rest are slightly out of focus. - Photo by Xe Iaso, Canon EOS R6mkii, Helios 44-2 58mm f/2

Sometimes I record little screencasts to help explain things when I'm writing articles. These are intended to be very small fragments to help visually explain things before I explain what's going on in text. I use macOS (command-shift-5) to record them, but macOS makes fairly large files by default. I believe that these things should be as small as possible, so I figured out a super cheap hack to make them tiny.

Before I show you how I do it, here's an example video where I explore my homelab Kubernetes cluster and galavant around a few namespaces with k9s:

When macOS first recorded this, it was a 29 MB file:

du -hs /Users/cadey/Desktop/Screen\ Recording\ 2024-06-14\ at\
 29M	/Users/cadey/Desktop/Screen Recording 2024-06-14 at

This is way overkill for a 20 second video. Here's what ffprobe says about the video:

Stream #0:0[0x1](und): Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, bt709, progressive), 1766x1206, 12507 kb/s, 60 fps, 60 tbr, 6k tbn (default)

Yikes, that resolution is way too high, it's almost bigger than 1080p! I don't need 60fps either, and 12 Mbps is way beyond overkill. I want to make this as small as possible. The details don't matter too much as long as the result is legible.

So what I did is convert the video to an animated GIF, and then converted that GIF back to an MP4 file. This is a super hacky way to make the video as small as possible without impacting legibility too much. Here's the script I wrote:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e

[ ! -z "${DEBUG}" ] && set -x

if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then
	echo "usage: <input> <output>"
	exit 2


ffmpeg -i "${input}" -vf "fps=30,scale='if(gt(iw,800),800,iw)':'if(gt(iw,800),-2,ih)'" -c:v pam -f image2pipe - | \
    convert -delay 3 - -loop 0 -layers optimize gif:- | \
    ffmpeg -i - -movflags faststart -pix_fmt yuv420p \
    -vf "scale=trunc(iw/2)*2:trunc(ih/2)*2" "${output}"

This uses a chain of three commands:

  1. ffmpeg to convert the video to a series of images that are piped to the next command, scaling the video to 800 pixels wide if it's not already 800 pixels wide or smaller (yes, this bit was written with an AI model, I'm nowhere near experienced enough with ffmpeg to do this by hand).
  2. convert (imagemagick) to convert that stream of images to a GIF with a delay of 3 centiseconds between frames.
  3. ffmpeg to convert that gif back into a video with settings that should be compatible with as many browsers as possible.
Aoi is wut

Wait, 3 centiseconds (30 milliseconds)? That's less than 30 frames per second, right? Isn't each frame 33 milliseconds at 30 FPS?

Cadey is aha

Yes, it is slightly less than 30 FPS, but realistically the difference doesn't matter if the video is less than a minute or two long. The difference is imperceptible for the kinds of examples I'm using this for.

After converting that video, the file size is much smaller, under a megabyte:

$ du -hs /Users/cadey/Desktop/k9s-cronched-800.mp4
644K	/Users/cadey/Desktop/k9s-cronched-800.mp4

I feel a lot better about posting this on my blog now.

There's a few caveats with doing this:

I hope this helps!

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.
