Trisiel Update

Published on , 137 words, 1 minutes to read

The project I formerly called wasmcloud has now been renamed to Trisiel after the discovery of a name conflict. The main domain for Trisiel is now to avoid any confusions between our two projects.

Planning for implementing and hosting Trisiel is still in progress. I will give more updates as they are ready to be released. To get more up to the minute information please follow the twitter account @trisielcloud, I will be posting there as I have more information.

I am limitless. There is no cage or constraint that can corral me into one constant place. I am limitless. I can change, shift, overcome, transform, because I am not bound to a thing that serves me, and my body serves me.

Quantusum, James Mahu

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

Tags: trisiel