Site Update: No More Revue

Published on , 327 words, 2 minutes to read

For a while in 2021, I regularly had a newsletter on Revue to put a lot of my "seconds" or things that I wrote but don't feel really "fit" on this blog. It seems that Revue is being shut down as a result of the Elon Musk owning Twitter fiasco so I'm going to act ahead of the curve and shut it down now.

I only had 7 subscribers to that newsletter and I never really put much effort into shilling it or working on content for it. It being in a separate place that I had to manually update without an API to automate things probably didn't help either.

If I make another newsletter in the future, I plan to do so on my own infrastructure with my own code. I'm getting tired of setting up things on third party services only for those things to just be shut down and abandoned by those same third party services.

I have copied my backlog on Revue into my notes and I plan to copy all of the content onto my blog backdated to the original publication dates on Revue.

The data export that I got from Revue includes the email addresses of those 7 subscribers. My plan is to back up that archive and never use those email addresses. If I create a new subscription of some kind, those 7 users will need to resubscribe to the new subscription. I do not want to spam people. I believe in "calm technology" where people should choose if they want to engage or not.

Thank you all for bearing with me as I experiment with new and exciting ways to offer the things I write to the public. I'm a bit sad that this experiment didn't work out, but I learned a lot from it and I am going to take those lessons with me towards the future of this blog.

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.
