Book Release: Musings from Within

Published on , 446 words, 2 minutes to read

I am happy to announce that I have successfully created an eBook compilation of the best of the posts on this blog plus a bunch of writing I have never before made public, and the result is now available for purchase on and the Kindle Store (TODO(Xe): add kindle link here when it gets approved) for USD$5. This book is the product of 5 years of effort writing, getting better at writing, failing at writing and everything inbetween.

I have collected the following essays, poems, recipes and stories:

Most of these are available on this site, but a good portion of them are not available anywhere else. There's poetry about shamanism, stories about reincarnation, koans and more.

I am also uploading eBook files to my Patreon page. Anyone who supports me for $1 or more has immediate access to the DRM-free ePub, MOBIPocket and PDF files of this book.

If you are facing financial difficulties, want to read my book and just simply cannot afford it, please contact me and I will send you my book free of charge.

Feedback and reviews of this book are more than welcome. If you decide to tweet or toot about it, please use the hashtag #musingsfromwithin so I can collect them into future updates to the description of the store pages, as well as assemble them below.

Enjoy the book! My hope is that you get as much from it as I've gotten from writing these things for the last 5 or so years. Here's to five more. I'll likely create another anthology/collection of them at that point.

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.

Tags: release, book, musingsfromwithin