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A Formal Grammar of h

Published on , 308 words, 2 minutes to read


h is a conlang project that I have been working off and on for years. It is infinitely simply teachable, trivial to master and can be used to represent the entire scope of all meaning in any facet of the word. All with a single character.

This is a continuation from this post. If this post makes sense to you, please let me know and/or schedule a psychologist appointment just to be safe.


h has only one consonant phoneme, /h/. This is typically not used as h is mostly a written language. Some people may pronounce it aych, which is equally as valid and intelligible. The Lojbanic h ' is also acceptable.

Consonant Chart

Non-sibilant fricative /h/


h has only one valid word, "h". It is used as follows:

<Cadey> h
<Dorito> h

This demonstrates a conversation between Cadey and Dorito about the implications of the bigger picture of software development and how current trends are risking a collapse of the human experiment.

As noted before, adding more "h" to a single sentence reduces the scope of meaning. Here is an example:

<Cadey> h
<DoesntGetIt> h h h h
* Cadey facepalms

Cadey opened with a treatise on the state of reality. DoesntGetIt decided it was a good idea to reply with a recipe for chocolate chip cookies. The conversation was lost in translation.

Peg Grammar

H = h+seperator+
seperator = space+h
space = ' '
h = 'h' / "'"

And Jesus said unto the theologians, "Who do you say that I am?".

They replied: "You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the kerygma of which we find the ultimate meaning in our interpersonal relationships."

And Jesus said "...What?"

Some time passed and one of them spoke "h".

Jesus was enlightened.

Facts and circumstances may have changed since publication. Please contact me before jumping to conclusions if something seems wrong or unclear.
