

Don't worry about being paged, Alvis will take care of it.

Automatically respond to production incidents with our industry-leading AI. Alvis will diagnose the problem and fix it.

Leave yourself free to sleep, write, work on projects, relax, or spend time with your family. Alvis will take care of it.

Get a detailed report for every incident Alvis handles. This helps you understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

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Don't believe us? Trust the voices of your peers. They obviously know what they're talking about, don't they?

James Dornick

Lead SRE @ WritePulse

Honestly, I wasn't able to spend time with my kid until I set up Alvis. Now family time isn't turned into work time!

Samus Rhodes

SRE @ Worcation

I was able to get a promotion after setting up Alvis. I can't believe I didn't do it sooner!

Maria Robotnik

SRE @ G.U.N.

Every time I get paged, I just tell Alvis to take care of it. I don't even have to look at my phone anymore!


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes


The essentials to provide your best work for clients.


  • 50 incidents included per month
  • 48 hour response time
  • Basic analytics
  • Help center access
  • Tailscale integration
Buy plan


Most popular

A plan that scales with your rapidly growing business.


  • Custom incident response steps
  • 500 incidents included per month
  • Same-day response time
  • Advanced analytics
Buy plan


Dedicated support and infrastructure for your company.


  • Artificial General Intelligence
  • Unlimited incidents
  • SOCII/HIPPA/PCI compliance
  • Custom analytics
  • Custom SLAs
Buy plan

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

How does Alvis work?
Alvis takes your production playbooks and turns them into diagnostic and remediation scripts. It then runs them when you get paged. If it's able to fix the problem, it closes the incident. Otherwise it escalates to you.
What AI does Alvis use?
Alvis uses the latest and greatest in large language model technology. It's all developed in-house and is not a wrapper to other services. This ensures your data is safe and secure with Alvis.
What is the connection between Alvis and the Rhadamanthus organization?
Alvis is a completly separate entity from Rhadamanthus. We are not affiliated with them in any way. We wish them luck with Project Exodus and their conflicts with the Saviorites.
What happens when I go over the number of incidents in my plan?
Alvis will automatically escalate your incidents to the oncall engineer. This ensures that Alvis is fast and ready for everyone!

Boost your productivity.
Start using Alvis today.

Give ChatGPT root in prod. What could possibly go wrong?
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